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Template for The Prophecy
Signs Science Symbols
Lesson 1 Gate
Lesson 2 Antichrist
Lesson 3 Greek alphabet
Lesson 4 Water
Lesson 5 Light
Lesson 6 Blood
Lesson 7 Fire
Lesson 8 Love
Lesson 9 Harvest
Lesson 10 Seed
Lesson 11 Vine
Lesson 12 Fruits
Lesson 13 Covenant
Lesson 14 Wine
Lesson 15 Rainbow
Lesson 16 Trumpets
Lesson 17 Cloud
Lesson 18 Gold
Lesson 19 Oil
Lesson 20 Oil-currency
Lesson 21 Bread
Lesson 22 Salt
Lesson 23 Shepherd
Lesson 24 Lion
Lesson 25 Child
Lesson 26 Entropy
Lesson 27 The Woes
Lesson 28 Beast from Sea
Lesson 29 Hope
Lesson 30 Faith
Lesson 31 Mind
Math and Numbers
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Chapter 13: The Covenant of God's Promises

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God gave us covenants when He interceded for mankind.  And the first covenant was the Flood through the water from the Father.  And the second covenant was Light through the blood of the Son.   And the third covenant shall be Fire through the fire of the Holy Spirit.

What are the covenants? A covenant is a promise made from God to mankind, paid with a sacrifice, and sealed with a sign. The first covenant with mankind was through Noah, and the sacrifice was mankind's death through the flood, and the sign was a rainbow from the sun in the clouds. (Genesis 9:14-17) Because of the sins of mankind, a sacrifice was made with the water, the power that is held by the Father. His sign of the covenant was a rainbow, which is created by the water and the sun. And through this covenant He promised, not to destroy man by water again, until the light of the rainbow was gone. And ironically the source of the rainbow is the sun, for during the wrath the sun will not give its light. 'Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became darkened.' (Revelation 16:10)